August 22, 2016

Beach Body Journey

We moved a lot when I was younger. I was always extremely shy and honestly had and still have a hard time making new friends. For many of those years my parents tried to keep me at the school down the street from my Gma, that way I wouldn't have to worry about meeting new people. Eventually the moves began to require a change of school, I was always the new girl, the weird girl and the girl that never talked. I made some friends but not many and as the moves continued I would turn to food, candy especially. I began really putting on weight in middle school, where I got teased often becasue by that point I was chubby, wore glasses and almost never talked in class.
Fast forward many years later and I am still battling my weight and to accept that I am good enough. I am less shy then I was but still not comfortable speaking to a crowd or standing up for myself. For years I thought I deserved to be fat, ugly and unliked. I was nobody special and this was the life I was given. Then I began to foster Chows for a rescue group and realized I am a wonderful, caring person. It doesn't matter what others think, it matters how I feel. I took in dogs that others had tossed aside and worked to get them comfortable around people, so that they could get wonderful forever homes. Then I had to move back home suddenly, depression lead me to my highest weight ever (349lbs YIKES). Once I got a job and relatively settled in I joined Weight Watchers for the 4th time. I like the concept and love some of the people I have met but I needed more. I met my coach on Facebook and joined her accountability group.
It has been about a month now. I am doing the 21 day fix and drinking shakeology (Love the vegan chocolate). I am learning to be happy with what I have and to work towards what I want. I am down 10lbs so far and know that with the support I get through my coach and the others I have met so far I will have no problem reaching my goals. I used to dread working out and even though it is still hard to do, I push myself each day and find that my muscles and joints are feeling better all the time. I am now loving my journey and looking forward to seeing the changes in myself as a whole, not just my weight. 

These are my before pics, not quite ready for after pics yet :)

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