January 28, 2016

An Introduction

Ok so I realize that A: I'm way behind on this whole blogging concept and B: there is an about me section off to the side but I still feel like my first blog should tell you, well, about me! First of all that is me below. Not my best or most recent picture but it is still me. I used to work as nanny and I also used to foster dogs for a rescue group, I will tell you more about all that later.
Love this photo (Great hair day)!

  My hobbies include drawing, Baking, Crochet, coloring, reading, dog things and music (No matter what I am doing at most any time I have music on). So as I am sure you could guess most of my blogs will be about these things and hopefully as time goes on I will get much better at this.

  The most important things to me are my family and three adorable puppies. My family consists of, well, a lot of people as I am sure most peoples do. But there are some people that need to be mentioned now. One is my Gma Barbara and the others are my siblings Crystal, Julianna, Willie, Stephanie and Janie (may she RIP). I include Janie because though I never got the opportunity to meet her she helps me to realize that life is short and you must be grateful for what you have when you have it. I have two 5 year old boy Shih Tzus, Houdini & E.J., and a newly added Chow Chow puppy, Mika. Mika is not even a year old yet but she is close. My first blogs will basically focus on events and things leading me to where I am today!  So maybe this is more info than most people give, I do not really know but that is me. More to come soon!

My Boys, Houdini & E.J. & 

My Baby Girl, Mika!!

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