January 28, 2016

Weight Watchers Wednesday

SO I am in Weight Watchers, again. Some people may not openly admit such a thing but I am not ashamed of it. I joined in March of 2011 and can say that it has been a rough road (I weighed 341.6lbs at the start). I have had more ups in weight than downs lately. I have had times when I have not tracked or tried and weeks where I try but still struggle. In the end I had to quit meetings but still tried to make good choices. So far my lowest was a loss of 68lbs (YAY ME!!!) but I am currently way back up in Weight! (348.6lbs)

Things have been stressful lately to say the least and everything has contributed to this gain. I decided that I needed to go back to the start with Weight Watchers and signed back up. The first few weeks are always the hardest and most eye opening to me anyway. I realize just how much I over eat, how often I eat out of boredom and how inactive I am a lot of the time!

I joined online so the first technically week was before I even knew my beginning weight. I like to take this week to begin getting into the habit of tracking NO MATTER WHAT! It is sometimes hard to track because I know that the double cheeseburger, fries and chocolate frosty are way out of points and an awful choice. Sometimes however it is all you got and sometimes you simply get into the habit of eating that way. By taking the initial week to track everything before I even know my points balance I get into the mindset that writing it down is necessary. Also it helps me know that it is ok to get off path occasionally. I’m not the first person to think “Hey, if I don’t write that down it is like I never ate it, right?” Well that is so not how it works, lol.

My Weigh-in day is Monday but honestly I usually go in on Sunday. Now I am sure some are thinking so why not have your weigh-in day changed to Sunday. Honestly it is because I like to have the new tracking pages (which I made myself) and everything starts on Monday since the work week starts then. Basically I have the worst time tracking on the weekend because there is a lot less structure to my life those two days. So Monday is when everything starts for me these days, I used to go on Wednesdays in the good old days of Nanning and fun. Soo I am thinking that I will update on my weight loss journey on Wednesdays, making it Weight Watcher Wednesday (aka WWW)! For me the biggest thing to remember is the tracking, I know I have been talking a lot about that, but it is what helps me to make better food choices. It’s not that I don’t like the healthier foods or anything like that. Fast food, chips & cookies are just faster.

This really brings me to why I like Weight Watchers in the first place. It is ok to eat the things I like, just not to sit there and eat a whole loaf of bread or bag of cookies. My mom has always tried to “help” me lose weight by telling NOT to eat the things I love. Like Pizza. Come on who is going to never ever eat pizza again because they might gain some weight. Nobody, that is who, pizza is yummy. OK this blog is getting a bit long now.

When I went in for my first weigh-in on 1/17/2016 I was at 348.6- thus the starting weight has been revealed, *dun, dun, duun* Wow not the news I was hoping for, I knew I had gained but seriously! I did not allow that to discourage me and the next week on 1/24/2016 I had already lost a whopping 3.8lbs. YAY ME again!!! As I continue my tracking I have good and bad days but I write it all down and keep in mind what I want for myself. I look forward to this extraordinary adventure and how it will change me. Next WWW is all about fitness and my why...

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