February 1, 2016

Nanny Diaries- The Short Version

So lately I have been really missing my kiddos. I used to be a nanny in Georgia, I actually I was a nanny for around 15 years with many different families( in CO & GA). I have to say though that I think the last two families I nannied for were by far my absolute favorites! I began with the first family (They will be known as the A’s from here on out) in September of 2011. They had just had their first baby, a beautiful and sweet girl named Blakely. She was two months old when I began caring for her. As with all babies she had moments of fussiness, but most of the time was a smiley happy girl. Her parents were wonderful too. They always made me feel more like I was a friend or aunt to Blakely and not just an employee of theirs.  
A year later a friend of the A’s (the B’s) down the block decided that daycare was not the best place for their son, Matty. He was getting sick often and didn’t seem to be adjusting to it very well. They asked if I would be interested in watching both kids and I accepted. At first Matty wasn’t sure what to think of things and he would throw a fit when his mom would leave for work. His parents also made me feel so welcome and appreciated for all that I did.
I loved both my kiddos but because I had been with Blakely much longer she knew the rules and the routines. I prefer to have the kids I care for on a pretty well maintained schedule. Sometimes we would do thigs that would mess that up a little and I always wanted the kids to have fun and learn above all else. However I have found over the years that when kids have a regular nap and meal times they are happier. Well poor Matty was not quite used that and he was a very picky eater! The first few weeks were challenging but in no time everyone was doing great.
In my time with these two great families there were many changes but no matter what happen I always knew that I was cared for. When Mrs. A and B both became pregnant The A’s also had tragedy occur. Mr. A lost his job and since he was home and having a hard time finding work they did not need me as much. It was hard on all of us. I missed my little Beetle bug and Mr. A, though always very involved in the parenting process saw just how much work my weeks were. I still had Matty man and we had playdates at the park often with Blakely. As time went on Mr. A found a job and the kiddos were back together fulltime. They were the best of friends and loved playing together!
Before the birth of Kate (to the B’s) and Jax (to the A’s) it was decided that two newborns and two almost 2 year olds would be difficult for me to manage. The result was that I would continue to nanny for the A’s and the B’s would hire a new nanny. In the end they hired a friend of a friend and it was not good. Best they can tell she had Matty watching TV all day, something I would rarely have on at all and they did not do any activities. The new nanny decided after around 6 months to give two weeks’ notice and return to her old job.
It should be noted here that in reality I do not fault her. She had never been a nanny before and thought as many do that it was simply full time babysitting. WRONG! Being a nanny means you have to teach the child too. When you babysit it is two or three hours of fun and play, then you leave. When you nanny it is a full day, there are naps needed for babies and toddlers, babies need time on their tummy and encouragement to do things like crawl or roll and eventually walk. Toddlers need to be taught manners, colors, shapes, letters and to clean up after themselves. There is potty training, eating with silverware, tying shoes, talking and so so much more.
In the end I found myself watching 4 of the best kids ever! Since the babies were older and less demanding on time we decided to try out joining forces again, it went great. Blakely and Matty were thrilled to have each other to play with.  Kate and Jax really pushed each other to learn things a little faster. We couldn’t go out to the big park anymore but the kids were happy to walk up to the park in their Subdivision. I loved it to because they kept me moving all the time. Nap time was my one resting time and I enjoyed so much more after a busy morning of play and lessons.
After almost 4 years with Family A, I had a huge problem. The house I rented was being foreclosed and unfortunately I was unable to find a place in the same area for the same money. After a few weeks of stress and panic, it was clear that my only option was to move back home to Colorado. Not the worst thing but probably the hardest for me yet. I was in tears for weeks at the thought of leaving my babies and losing touch. I could never have asked for a better group of people in my life! I still miss them and keep in touch as often as I can. Blakely, Jax and Mrs. A even facetime with me from time to time.

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