February 10, 2016

Weight Watcher Wednesday!!!

So sorry I missed last Wednesday’s post.
Last Week when I weighed in I had lost another 3lbs for a total loss of 6.8lbs. This meant I was back down (exactly) to my originally beginning weight from years ago. The meeting was about finding your focus. They have a new thing going for the next 9 weeks where we choose one specific thing to focus on for the week. After 3 weeks we get what I feel should be deemed Weight Watcher Wage, yes I like the triple W thing. Anyway it is money to spend at Weight Watchers. Of course getting rewarded for making it to meeting is awesome but I really like the idea of focusing on one small thing at a time. They broke it down into three main categories to start and from there we have to narrow it down to one thing. The three categories are Food, Fitness & Feeling good. For the first week I decided to focus on food, specifically on tracking everything I eat.
This week I only lost 1.4lbs loss :( Still that brings my total loss to 8.2lbs! I picked to focus on food again this week and am trying to add more fruit to my days. I am doing fairly well with it. I truly love fruit and quite a few veggies as well but for some reason I never think of them when I want a snack. I am hoping very much to change this frame of thought. I think one issue I find I have is that fruit goes bad and I hate the grocery store. I try hard to only go once every couple of weeks. Not at all conducive to fruit and veggies. I shall simply have to decide what is more important to me, my weight and health or avoiding the grocery store!
This past week was my 4th weigh-in and that means I get a key chain. To some it may be silly but one of the other things I love about WW is that they give you these little charms when you reach different milestones. The first thing you get is a key chain to put the charms on. It is nothing fancy but I will post a picture for you next week. Unfortunately I was unable to stay for the meeting this week so I did not get it yet. I will though, I will.
In the meantime I thought I would share my before photo from the last time I did WW. Forgive the mismatch swim were but it was a good “outfit” to show my body in. I still need to get my new before photo done but dread it because I DO NOT like how I look currently. I have zero desire to be super model skinny or anything like that but I do want to be less bumpy and wobbly. Some days I feel like a weeble, you know “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down”.  Perhaps more importantly I do not like how I feel!!!

I found out recently from the doctor that I am pre-diabetic and now I have to take Metformin, a medication to help prevent diabetes. This is a scary thought for me because in all my time being overweight my bloodwork as always come back 100% healthy. Guess I re-joined WW just in time. My heels also hurt a lot these days and I believe that is from the weight as well as the high AC1 blood test. Wish me luck! I am trying to make the changes needed to get me healthy and happy.                        

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