February 18, 2016


This week I actually gained a pound :( it happens from time to time and I think a lot of the gain was because I have been worried about my dog, EJ. He hurt himself and is not healing well, a post on this to follow. Due to my weight gain I felt the timing of this week’s topic was perfect! It was all about loving yourself and being positive in your thoughts and actions.
As an example when you wake up in the morning instead of thinking “Ok Teresa you will NOT eat any sweets today” you think “Ok Teresa today you are gonna eat at least 3 fruits”. The idea behind this is that if you tell yourself a negative, you will literally spend the day thinking about that one thing. And for me at least it is true, when I try to force myself into something or think about one thing that is all I can think of all day. This makes it very difficult to deny myself something but easy to have something I approve of.
So Far my tracking is going fairly well. I am still working on getting better at tracking when I am at home. I am great at it at work, probably because my day is much more structured and planned out. I also notice I tend to drink less water when I am at home! My focus for this week has really been on just that, making sure I drink enough water during the day.
I am figuring that this week will not be a great week for me as far as my weigh-in goes but like I mentioned before that is ok. This journey is a work in progress and admittedly my focus this week has been on EJ.
The other thing that we talked about this week was our why and letter to ourselves on the day we decide to quit. I am looking for my original letter so that I can post it here but have not yet found it in all my many moving boxes! As for my why well I suppose that is fairly simple:
I want to like what I see when I look in the mirror but more importantly than all of that I want to be healthy, feel healthy and have energy. I often find that there are things I really want to try or learn but then the thought of getting up and actually doing it makes me tired. Yes I am lazy and Yes I procrastinate but I believe that a lot of that is because I simply run out of energy so quickly it seems pointless to try. My why is that I want to get out in the world and live!  It is all for me and no one else, because no matter what we do in life there will be someone that does not like you or agree with your choices.
I think that is where I will leave you this week. If you have never looked into Weight Watchers or feel like it is too hard, I encourage you to give it a try. Plus you can always check out a meeting for free and nothing is better than free :)

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