February 25, 2016

WW Wednesday

Down 2.4 this week, total of 9.6 so far! So the meeting was about goals, tips for making goals that you can follow through with in the short term. Basically I am already failing at that this week. Last night I ate an entire medium pizza and then today a giant sandwich from Snarfs. Not a great way to achieve weight loss. I honestly think that a huge part of the problem is that I am stressed lately. 

The whole idea behind WW new plan is that it focuses on doing the things that make you happy and when you are happy it is easier to make healthy choices. Lately though I am having a rough time with things going on. Money is always an issue but I think it is more the changes and living situation I am in.
See a year ago I was living in Georgia, renting a huge 4 bedroom house for 850$ a month. I had a great nanny job taking care of 4 of the best kiddos I have ever known. I also worked part-time at McDonald’s. I was fostering Chow Chows for a rescue and was just all around pretty happy. Then I found out the house I was renting was being foreclosed and I had to move. Well I could not find another house anywhere near that price range so I made the decision to move back to Colorado. Back in with my dad which in itself is a huge stress. He is not very clean, keeps almost everything (not like trash or dirty dishes but other things) and his house is quite small. The biggest problem is that even though I pay him rent he basically makes it clear that I am not really welcome and that I have no say in the common areas of the house. Unfortunately for me there is NO WAY I can currently afford rent out here either. 

Ok, sorry, back to the whole goals thing. Most of us joined weight watchers to lose weight so that would be the BIG goal, to achieve this we need to focus on much smaller goals along the way. Example this week my goal was to make healthy food choices (hence the failure since a medium pizza is not healthy). They had some great tips to use when setting a goal:
1.     Define success on your terms
2.     Think small
3.     Nail down the how
4.     Keep it real
5.     Be flexible
6.     Don’t compare yourself
7.     Use my success story
Well I define that I failed at my goal this week. A whole pizza is far off from the flexibility area of my goal. It is ok I am simply going to reinforce why I am doing this and try again. Failures will happen and some weeks I will gain instead of losing, the key is to keep at it anyway. Until next week remember You can do this!

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